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flying penguin

“GLUE” Deck by Dr. Camel

By Dr. Camel4 min read

“GLUE” Deck


Welcome to my GLUE deck guide—perfect for all my fellow deck builders who love sticking to a solid game plan! This deck strategy is more complex but offers a wide diversity of playability, multiple win-conditions, and ways to counter some of the most popular deck builds. What is important here is the synergy and strategy, I highly recommend you take any deck guide and put your own twist on it.

Art for RaidtheSnacks

GLUE by Dr. Camel

4xRaid the SnacksCard preview
2xGot 'Em!Card preview
4xSliding PenguinCard preview
4xSuccess PenguinCard preview
3xKoi PenguinCard preview
2xWhat a Twist!Card preview
4xBedtime StoryCard preview
4xPenguin Who's OKCard preview
4xPenguin With HoopsCard preview
3xIngenious IdeaCard preview
3xCannonball PenguinCard preview
4xMiss Chief, Keeper of KeysCard preview
3xSpring a LeakCard preview
3xSend It Too HardCard preview
1xRod of Cheesy SlicesCard preview
4xStargazing PenguinCard preview

Core Cards and Strategy

Miss Chief, Keeper of KeysCard preview + Koi PenguinCard preview

This deck provides two main win conditions; icing opponents deck and simply winning vibe checks. The core wombo combo involves Miss Chief, Keeper of KeysCard preview + Koi PenguinCard preview to maximize icing. 

  • Miss Chief, Keeper of KeysCard preview: Every turn she ices cards equal to half her vibe, the core strategy here is increasing her vibe with green penguins and maximizing her action.

  • Koi PenguinCard preview: Keep one in your hand for late game. Even if Miss Keys isn’t on the board, Koi provides a saving grace if you’re about to lose the game. Did your opponent just play a Bunkus, Who Is the StarsCard preview with 48 vibe? Miss Keys can now ice half their deck...


Rod of Cheesy SlicesCard preview + What a Twist!Card preview + Got 'Em!Card preview

These can be hard to come by but very strong. I recommend using some combination of these.

  • Rod of Cheesy SlicesCard preview : Every time the rod is used you ice 2 cards from your opponents deck. Not required but I like to use it in case I need more cards in the ice for Send it Too Hard.

  • What a Twist!Card preview : I think this deck could potentially be improved with more of these. You can unflop after and opponent plays Buddy Up or replay Miss Keys, I have iced over 30 cards in one turn early with this. 

  • Got 'Em!Card preview : Great removal tool


Spring a LeakCard preview + Send It Too HardCard preview + Ingenious IdeaCard preview + Raid the SnacksCard preview

  • Spring a LeakCard preview ( Escape in TimeCard preview alternative): These actions are critical to protect your penguins, both are cheap pudge cost. You can use one or the other or both.

  • Send It Too HardCard preview & Bedtime StoryCard preview : Your key removal cards

  • Ingenious IdeaCard preview : Extra draw, great synergy with Penguin Who's OKCard preview

  • Raid the SnacksCard preview: This is a more personal choice, low pudge cost and provides 2x Fishcicles. This card can get Miss Keys out EARLY or save them up for a huge late game wombo combo.


  • Low fish cost green or blue penguins; Penguin Who's OKCard preview + Penguin With HoopsCard preview is a great start. 

  • Any rods

  • Generally you want to have low-cost penguins/actions early


That’s great, but I don’t care just tell me how to win with this.

You have options here, you can either force an over draw or win by regular vibe check. This deck offers a ton of removal and vibe bonuses. 

  • Ice them hard: Getting Penguin Who's OKCard preview + Penguin With HoopsCard preview can mill tons of cards. Getting Miss Chief, Keeper of KeysCard preview out and boosting her vibe with green penguins to speed up the process. Use Send it Too Hard to “draw” out the game (Pun, get it?) 

  • Beat them in vibe: At the end you can use Koi PenguinCard preview to counter Bunkus, Who Is the StarsCard preview or a Pleepem, Who Stands AloneCard preview, then boost vibe to take the win. Hold onto a Spring a LeakCard preview late game to cancel out actions.


  • Tired of being wrecked by BunkusCard preview and BizmoCard preview? You can beat Bunkus vibe and ice way more than the cards he returns to your opponent's deck. Play Koi+Miss Keys. 

  • Seeing a yellow deck get wiped with Penguin That Doesn't Mind GoodbyesCard preview on the board is a win for you. Ice their deck. Ice their board. Make them draw cards until they overdraw.


  • Red decks. These games are always tricky and depend a lot on tempo and draw luck. 


  • The core cards for this deck are common, anything you are missing can be placed with more blue penguins or green penguins that can add vibe counters or wizards for extra pudge. 


This deck style offers a ton of versatility and can be changed to fit your own play style. You can play aggressive and win vibe checks early with green penguins or sit back and draw cards while icing your opponent’s deck with blue penguins. Being able to combine blue and green actions offers an advantage over many popular single color deck strategies. Good luck!